
Design and Customization

Wooden displays are the perfect tool for presenting and showcasing your company's products: household goods, food products, cosmetics and beauty products, housewares, brochure holders, pet articles, cleaning products and much more.
The choice to exhib your products on a wooden support transmit the concept of naturalness and it's particularly suitable for biological and green contexts, for those companies that show their respect for the environment as a flagship.
But what really makes the difference is the personalization of the advertising displays.

Wooden displays must in fact bring your message across the outlets, the Mass Market Retailers, the local shops and the Shopping Centers, so they must perfectly reflect your own identity, no matter where they're located.
We therefore offer a wide range of customizations: direct UV digital printing, silk-screen or laser printing, and yet a big amount of colors with which to dye all or just part of the interlocking panels of the display, thus creating a quite infinite possibility of personalization.

On top of this we could equip our shop displays with accessories such as wheels, blister hooks, pvc price tag holders or wooden pockets where you can place your brochures or your advertising flyers.

We've the richest catalogue of wooden displays over the Net: a wide choice of sizes and types to perfectly fit your commercial and marketing needs. Our promotional displays are quite perfect for exhibition stands in fairs, malls or retail shops.
But if you still need something different, don't worry: our tech team is at your service. We're ready to fully customize our displays or even design a new one from scratch.

There's just a little constraint: the birch plywood sheets. From there on, the only limit is your imagination!

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Partecipazione a fiera internazionale "MARCA" 18^ Edizione - MARCABYBOLOGNAFIERE 2022 - BOLOGNA IL 12 E 13 APRILE 2022.
Trattasi della seconda fiera internazionale in Europa del settore MDD ed è l'unica manifestazione italiana interamente dedicata alla marca commerciale, nella quale quasi 900 aziende espongono i prodotti dell'eccellenza italiana a Marca del Distributore.