Knock Down Design

All the pieces of our wooden displays are designed to be interlocked with each other without using hardware or tools, so they could be shipped and stored flat for space and money saving efficiency and in order to reduce the total quantity of air pollutants of transport, in full compliance with the company philosophy of maximum environment respect.
Let's now try to explain in detail how it work the knock down design with interlocking panels.

Interlocking parts are widely used in woodworkery and in general in the design and manufacture of components and parts, in order to ease transport and assembly of them.
Technically it's simply done drawing two or more pieces that intersect each others. We also opted not to use any external element to fix the pieces together: this means no hardware or tools are needed to assembly the displays.
This is possible today by the use of next-generation CNC machines and thanks to the advanced 3D designing tools that we use to create our wooden displays.

Every display is is packaged flat, for an optimal space saving capacity, which also significantly reduces transport costs. And even if they're really easy and fast to assembly we supply specific instructions.

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about our interlocked wooden displays!

Partecipazione a fiera internazionale "MARCA" 18^ Edizione - MARCABYBOLOGNAFIERE 2022 - BOLOGNA IL 12 E 13 APRILE 2022.
Trattasi della seconda fiera internazionale in Europa del settore MDD ed è l'unica manifestazione italiana interamente dedicata alla marca commerciale, nella quale quasi 900 aziende espongono i prodotti dell'eccellenza italiana a Marca del Distributore.