Stand display T2130 - Expo Depliants
T2130 - Expo Depliants

All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only

Stand display T2130 - Expo Depliants

T2130 Expo Depliants it's an island stand display and it's just the right tool to capture the customer's attention when you want to sell food products, organic or vegan products, cosmetics or impulse purchase items.

Every display we produce is fully customizable, we can directly digitally print your logo on the top-card, we can completely or just partially water paint them and we can obviously change them in shapes or dimensions.
And if that's not enough we can easily design a new display by scratch to fit your needs!


In order to follow our environment responsibility path we decided to use only water-based colors to paint the wooden displays we produce. This kind of color enhances the veins and gives a final tone slightly opaque but still warm and catchy. A painted display is the best way to showcase your products in a more appealing way.
We can also customize the final colors using specific given codes (Pantone, RAL, etc.)

Light Green
Dark Green
Light Blue

Technical Data
Wood type Birch
Wood thickness 9 mm.
Shelves 2
External dimensions 50 x 46 x 153 cm.
Weight 21,20 Kg.
Shelf dimensions 44 x 6 cm.
25 x 8 cm.
Space between shelves 37 cm.
print area
41 x 31 cm.
40 x 40 cm.
Suggested max load
per shelf
25-30 Kg.


Questo espositore è pensato per essere corredato da ruote al fine di renderne agevole lo spostamento

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Partecipazione a fiera internazionale "MARCA" 18^ Edizione - MARCABYBOLOGNAFIERE 2022 - BOLOGNA IL 12 E 13 APRILE 2022.
Trattasi della seconda fiera internazionale in Europa del settore MDD ed è l'unica manifestazione italiana interamente dedicata alla marca commerciale, nella quale quasi 900 aziende espongono i prodotti dell'eccellenza italiana a Marca del Distributore.